A picture book about community, art, the importance of giving back—and the wonder that fell from the sky.
It fell from the sky on a Thursday.
None of the insects know where it came from, or what it is. Some say it’s an egg. Others, a gumdrop. But whatever it is, it fell near Spider’s house, so he’s convinced it belongs to him.
Spider builds a wondrous display so that insects from far and wide can come look at the marvel. Spider has their best interests at heart. So what if he has to charge a small fee? So what if the lines are long? So what if no one can even see the wonder anymore?
But what will Spider do after everyone stops showing up?
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-Listen, watch, and read with the narrator about what happens when leprechauns try to keep luck all to themselves and away from the people of Ireland.
Visit Britannica School
-Click the Elementary Tree arrow
-Search “insects”
-Learn more about the real life insects that were characters in It Fell from the Sky.
-Compare the leprechauns’ behavior in Fiona’s Luck to that of the cricket in It Fell from the Sky. Share your thoughts with someone.
-Take a Bug Walk with a family member! See how many different bugs you can find on a walk around your yard or neighborhood. Record what you find in a journal.
-Design a colorful marble of your own that you think would capture the attention of all the bugs in the story.