Not only a fanciful rhyming adventure tale, Chris Tougas’s picture book is also a delightful allegory for the creative writing process.
"In this charming picture book allegory of the creative writing process, happenstance and weather events symbolize the emotional ebb and flow of writing a poem. I had a poem in my pocket, but my pocket got a rip. Rhymes tumbled down my leg and trickled from my hip. Thus begins the journey of a young poet's words out into the world, where they join randomly with other words to form funny riffs and puns all over a busy city street. The child scrambles to capture the loose words and arrange them back into poem form, only to lose them again as a storm swoops in on a rushing wind. Eventually, the words plant themselves in the muddy ground, where they grow into something that might be even better than the original poem: a Poet-Tree."
– Goodreads
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-Listen, watch, and read along with the narrators of different poems.
Visit Britannica School
-Click the Elementary Tree arrow
-Search “poetry"
-Learn more about the different rhythms, sounds, and forms of poetry.
-Ask an adult to share a favorite poem.
-On April 28th, Poem in Your Pocket Day, share pocket poems with your family and friends.
-Create your own pocket poems to share.
-Print your own pocket Poems foldable book.
-Listen to poet Linda Kulp Trout read and perform her poem “Hands Say, ‘Great Job!’"
-Practice reading her poem while making the hand movements.
-Watch the poetry mini book folding video.