Traveling past the Warrenton Community Center, you may notice something is missing from the parking lot. Books On the Bus, better known as BOB, has joined forces with FRESH, FCPS School Nutrition and other community partners for some summer fun in ’21. Beginning the week of June 14, and continuing through July 22, look for the FRESH vans in the northern, central and southern regions of Fauquier County. FRESH on Wheels will have BOB’s well-known book tables, activities, meals, and tasting kits to share each week.
Throughout the summer, we will have special guests join the FRESH on Wheels community events to include:
Health Department Covid Vaccination Clinics (first and second doses as well as single dose vaccinations)
School Sports Teams
Science Experiments
Fire Department Trucks
Fauquier Sheriff’s Department
A final appearance by the much-loved BOB on July 21st at a community picnic in Warrenton
For more information and to learn about additional guests joining FRESH on Wheels this summer, follow FRESH on social media:
Facebook: @FRESHfauquier
Instagram: @FRESHfauquier
Twitter: @FIT4FCPS1