Throughout June and July, Fauquier Reaches for Excellence in School Health (FRESH) organizes family-friendly events across Fauquier County, offering free games, activities, books, and fresh produce, while hosting a variety of special guests. Over the years, these events have become a staple for many families looking to keep young children active and entertained during the long summer days.
Last week, FRESH concluded its 5-week summer program in collaboration with Morgan's Message, a local non-profit dedicated to "eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health within the student-athlete community and equalizing the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics." This partnership honored the memory of Morgan Rodgers, an athlete from Highland School, Kettle Run High School, and Duke University who tragically passed away in 2019 at the age of 22. Morgan exemplified the 'lifetime of wellness' that FRESH aims to foster among youth in Fauquier County. This collaboration provided a meaningful opportunity to celebrate Morgan’s legacy while promoting mental health awareness.
To add to the excitement of the week-long programming, FRESH collaborated with Fauquier County Public School’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. CTE students designed themed activities aligned with their fields of expertise, such as cosmetology, culinary arts, architecture/building trades, technology education, automotive trades, and healthcare. Children engaged in 90-second 'minute-to-win-it' style challenges, paying tribute to Morgan’s jersey number, 9. Families were also provided with copies of FRESH’s Calming and Refocusing activities - a series of simple, yet effective methods for helping children (and adults) find a moment of calm through movement and breathing exercises.
The significance of FRESH’s partnership with Morgan’s Message was emphasized by Morgan’s mother, Dona Rodgers, who expressed, “Partnering with FRESH means the world to the Rodgers family as well as the Morgan’s Message organization. Morgan’s whole life was spent here in Fauquier County and as an active member of the community, it is a place where she thrived. Keeping a local focus will always be a priority for Morgan’s Message and we are extraordinarily proud to be a part of the FRESH events this summer.” Her sentiments were echoed by FRESH program supervisor Kristen McAuliffe, who remarked, “Bringing Morgan’s Message to young families in our community is a privilege. FRESH’s programs address various aspects of childhood health, with mental health being crucial to fostering a 'lifetime of wellness' for our children.”